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Körber was awarded EcoVadis Gold Status in 2024

News & Stories - 07/31/2024

Körber achieves Gold in EcoVadis sustainability rating 2024

Körber has undergone a voluntary EcoVadis assessment for the second time as a group and has been awarded a gold medal for its sustainability performance this year. This puts Körber in the top group of all assessed companies worldwide, and even in the top 1 percent in the sub-category ‘Manufacture of general-purpose machinery‘.

In this year's EcoVadis sustainability rating, Körber achieved 78 out of 100 points and thus Gold status, which represents the top 5 percent of all companies rated worldwide. EcoVadis is one of the world's leading platforms for sustainability ratings and assesses companies in the four dimensions of environment, labor and human rights, sustainable procurement, and ethics. Despite more demanding criteria, Körber achieved the same score as last year.

“This is a testament to the great commitment and hard work of our entire team,” says Erich Hoch, Member of the Group Executive Board of Körber AG and responsible for Körber's sustainability strategy. “Many thanks to everyone involved for this great achievement. The EcoVadis rating is a motivation to make Körber an even more sustainable company to enable a better life for present and future generations, as we have formulated in our sustainability promise.”

As an international technology group, Körber pursues ambitious sustainability goals and focuses on three key areas: We reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, we are a fair and attractive employer, and we shape responsible supply chains. “The EcoVadis rating confirms that we are making very good progress in achieving our sustainability goals,” says Erich Hoch. “We are also pleased that our customers are recognizing our commitment to sustainability.”

Our progress is also documented in the Körber Sustainability Report 2023:

  1. Climate protection: we are seeking to no longer produce any carbon emissions throughout our entire value chain by 2040 to achieve the global 1.5 degree target. To attain this net-zero target, verified by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), we have further extended our portfolio of sustainable products, solutions and services and significantly advanced the implementation of Ecodesign with the first life cycle assessments for our machines. Overall, Körber reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 14 percent in 2023 compared to the previous year.
  2. To honor our commitment as a fair and attractive employer, Körber has joined the Alliance for Opportunities, successfully introduced the SAP SuccessFactors Learning management system worldwide, and devised a group-wide implementation plan for various management systems – in particular occupational health and safety systems (ISO 45001). In addition, employees in North America, Asia and Europe took part in twenty workshops to develop a shared vision image for a strong, cohesive and sustainable Körber corporate culture.
  3. Fulfilling all requirements of the German Supply Chain Act is a matter of course for Körber. More than 5,000 suppliers are already integrated into the IntegrityNext platform to continuously evaluate their sustainability development. Among other things, this includes a self-disclosure with questions on human rights, responsibility status in the supply chain, environmental protection, carbon footprint, anti-corruption and anti-bribery measures, as well as occupational health and safety.

More information: Körber Sustainability Report 2023

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