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Körber Technologie experts optimize ma-chines and systems with cloud and on-premise software modules.

News-Highlights - 01/31/2024

For an accelerated transformation to the smart factory

With over 75 years of experience in process and batch manufacturing, we offer you all the necessary building blocks to increase the efficiency of your factory.

Consulting, data acquisition, software and integration: With us, you get everything you need for an efficient path to smart factory from a single source. “Our one-stop-shop approach encompasses a mix of expert consulting, data processing and vertical integration, cloud and on-premise hosting, modular software and seamless integration with third-party solutions,” explains Harita Vinnakota, Head of Digital Sales & Business Development at Körber Technologies. “Our Digital Solution Suite takes your company to the next level.”

In addition to Smart Factory and Lean Consulting, the Digital Solution Suite also includes its own cloud and on-premise software modules for various areas. These include the optimization of machines and lines as well as manufacturing execution systems and manufacturing operations management, solutions for remote support and training of employees or energy management. 

Harita Vinnakota works as the Head of Digital Sales and Business Development in the Körber Business Area Technologies.

Harita Vinnakota works as Head of Digital Sales & Business Development in the Körber Business Area Technologies.

What does the Körber Technologies Digital platform offer customers?  

Harita Vinnakota: The platform consists of a range of solutions that we have developed specifically for the process industry. The goals are Industry 4.0 results such as production improvement, quality and yield optimization or plant utilization. KPIs from the area of sustainability also play an important role. These include energy and resource consumption as well as waste reduction, for example. 

How does this platform or Digital Solution Suite differ from others?   

Harita Vinnakota: The unique advantage that Körber Technologies Digital offers in the field of digital solutions is our extensive knowledge of the machines, the processes and the market. We don't just sell and install machines and systems. We also know exactly how our customers use the machines from Körber and other manufacturers. We understand the existing data as well as the processes and methods in our customers' ecosystems. 

Can you briefly describe the customer journey with Körber Technologies Digital?  

Harita Vinnakota: We start the implementation with machine-independent connectivity. This forms the backbone of the smart factory. In the second step, we design the technological ecosystem of solutions at machine, line and factory level to achieve the defined KPIs. Our platform is cloud-independent and highly modularized. It can be seamlessly integrated into the customer's existing technology and also integrates machines from other manufacturers. We carry out an analysis and evaluation before implementation. Our consulting team has certified and experienced expertise in the areas of lean consulting, IWS (Integrated Work System) and digital transformation. Our consultants work closely with customers to provide the best possible support on the roadmap to the smart factory. 

Digital Solution Suite

With cloud and on-premise software modules, the Digital Segment specialises in optimising performance in machines and systems.

Körber Technologies Digital Solution Suite

K.optimize AI®: Energy Optimizer
The software monitors and controls the entire company building to increase energy efficiency – from lighting and fire and smoke detection through to air-conditioning and CCTV.

Smart Factory
The Digital Segment provides advice and support throughout the transition into a smart factory, offering a structured approach for digital transformation, including an assessment of current digital maturity and a bespoke timetable.

Digital Consulting & Academy
With a comprehensive consultation approach and extensive technical expertise, the Digital Segment assists clients in all digital transformation matters.

K.optimize AI®: Operations Optimizer
With seamlessly integrable software modules, operators are able to keep an eye on production, maintenance, intralogistics and quality processes in real time.

K.optimize AI®: Line Optimizer
The entire production line can be configured and controlled in a central solution to increase its performance. All performance-related processes can be conveniently completed in this way.

K.optimize AI®: Machine Optimizer
The solution networks machines and systems to increase performance. The data compiled serves as the basis for continuous improvement and machine learning.


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