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News & Stories - 08/26/2022

Transformation into a Factory of Excellence: fleshing out ideas

In the advance towards becoming a Factory of Excellence, success is intrinsically linked with an effective start. Körber Business Area Technologies assists companies in doing this with a structured process: after recording and analysing the current situation, the company's objectives are formulated, potential starting points identified and a concrete implementation plan drawn up. Körber Business Area Technologiesdevelops the optimal individualised path of transformation together with the customer and a network of experienced partners.

Step 1: Set the course

First of all, ideas, goals and challenges are discussed in a management workshop. Körber Business Area Technologies thus ensures that everyone views the project from a common perspective and all experts can contribute their knowledge throughout its course to an optimum extent. Optimum solutions, procedures and results are assured thanks to the perfect interaction between the customer’s experience in production, Körber Business Area Technologies expertise and the input from consulting experts such as Porsche Consulting and Ernst & Young.

Step 2: Collect information

The experts get an idea of the situation on site over a period of three to four weeks. They collect all information about processes, machines, software, challenges and specific characteristics related to production. The baseline study focuses on weak points and potentials. The most accurate information possible on the current situation forms the basis for an effective transformation project.

Step 3: Evaluate benefits

The right solutions must be selected from the numerous potential solutions to the challenges at hand. To do this, the interdisciplinary project team evaluates all approaches with regard to their effects, costs and time horizon. The experts use different evaluation methods to analyse the numerous possible use cases. The basis for these is partly the conditions in the value chain and partly the company’s strategic goals.

Step 4: Make a plan

After a thorough analysis of the situation and options for action, appropriate solutions can now be selected and the optimal sequence for implementation established. The result is a roadmap that includes a firm plan and fixed milestones. This forms the starting point for undertaking the individual transformation projects.

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