
We use our expertise and our excellent technologies to develop solutions that span multiple industries, from tobacco and hemp products, straws to energy storage. 

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News & Stories - 12/21/2023

Process equipment - From the green leaf to the full aroma

In the complex processes of tobacco processing, our machine and plant equipment from Körber Technologies not only ensures maximum efficiency, but also the highest quality for your end products.

Our process equipment accompanies you through every step of tobacco processing - from blending, tip cutting and unpacking, conditioning, sorting and sorting through to threshing and classifying, re-drying and the final filling of the cartons. 

As the global market leader in primary machines, we prepare the raw tobacco for subsequent cigarette production in this demanding process. 

At Körber Technologies, we ensure that smooth processes and seamless monitoring are guaranteed at every step. This allows you to ensure that your end products always meet your standards and requirements. 

As maximum efficiency is also important to us in Primary, we keep a close eye on the market for software and hardware components for automation and develop tailor-made automation strategies together with you. 

Three questions for Zoltan Lang, who as Technical Director is responsible for organisation and investments at the CTG plant.

What was the catalyst for the primary project at Sátoraljaújhely?

Zoltan Lang: "The main objective was to develop the production capacities in the primary and secondary segments in terms of quality and quantity. The quantitative requirements are a result of the steady rise in market demand. Higher quality also means a product with greater value added, which increases profitability. The demand  for our cut-rag/cut-filler shows continuous strong growth. Requirements regarding the environment, health and safety, and long-term retention of human resources  also take priority alongside market targets."

Have you achieved your targets with the new equipment installation?

Zoltan Lang: "Thanks to careful installation and training, the new makers achieved their expected production volume in just a few weeks after initial operation.  
The new primary has enabled us to double our output rate. The automated control system guarantees compliance with parameters during the entire production process. The result is consistently high quality and significantly more stable process values. The NTRM solutions such as the optical sorter and the string remover are new elements that our old line didn’t have."

What specific challenges did the major project present regarding collaboration between all participants?

Zoltan Lang: "A series of data was required for the building planning during the quote phase. Due to the size of the project, details were still being clarified during the machine design phase. Work on the building interior was still in progress  when they began installing the machines. Some lines were into production while others were being installed and put into operation. Cooperation with the different areas of the Körber Business Area Technologies went smoothly during the various project phases and we always found suitable solutions for everyone involved."

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