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Photograph of Körber Technologies' cigarette paper diffusivity measurement instrument, HAUNI Sodistar.

News & Stories - 09/13/2024

Measuring cigarette paper diffusivity: ensuring safety and quality introduction

The diffusivity of cigarette paper is crucial for meeting safety standards and ensuring the quality of tobacco products. Körber Technologies Instruments offers the HAUNI Sodistar, a precise and efficient solution for measuring this important property. 


Why measure diffusivity in cigarette paper? 

The diffusivity of cigarette paper plays a critical role in the safety and quality of tobacco products. By analyzing the movement of gases through the paper during combustion, manufacturers can ensure their products comply with safety regulations and provide an optimal smoking experience.  

Introduction to the tobacco industry through CRM77 

Since the 1990s, the fire hazard posed by cigarettes has been a major concern for the tobacco industry. To reduce the number of accidental fires, many countries have enacted regulations requiring the production of self-extinguishing cigarettes. These cigarettes use Low Ignition Propensity (LIP) paper, which is specifically designed to stop burning when left unattended. Compliance with these safety standards is monitored using the Coresta Recommended Method 77 (CRM77), which serves as the benchmark for diffusivity measurement. 


Our solution: HAUNI Sodistar 

Körber Technologies Instruments offers the HAUNI Sodistar, an advanced diffusivity measurement device based on the proven technologies of Sodim's Paper Diffusivity Meter and Borgwaldt’s A50. The HAUNI Sodistar is designed to meet the requirements of CRM77 and sets new standards in measurement accuracy and efficiency. 


Photograph of Körber Technologies' cigarette paper diffusivity measurement instrument, HAUNI Sodistar.

Benefits of the HAUNI Sodistar 

Camera-assisted positioning: The integrated camera system allows for precise alignment of the paper, enhancing measurement accuracy and reducing setup time. 

Automatic calibration: The HAUNI Sodistar features automatic calibration for flow regulators and gas analyzers, minimizing human error and ensuring consistent results. 

Optimized measurement times: The combination of efficient design and automated processes significantly reduces measurement times. This allows for more frequent calibrations and measurements, enhancing the device's accuracy and reliability. 

Versatility: The HAUNI Sodistar is suitable for use in both laboratories and production environments, making it ideal for quality control in paper and cigarette manufacturing. 

The HAUNI Sodistar provides a reliable solution for measuring the diffusivity of cigarette paper, meeting the current demands of the tobacco industry and contributing to continuous improvements in product quality and safety. 

Contact us 

For more information about our HAUNI Sodistar diffusivity measurement device and how it can help optimize your production processes, please contact us. Our experts are available to answer your questions and provide tailored solutions to meet your needs. 

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