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News & Stories - 03/25/2022

Inside Technology: Pure nature

Owing to strategic product development, Körber Technologies is already able to offer its customers solutions for biodegradable filters made of various materials – both for conventional cigarettes and Next Generation Products.

Körber Technologies’ extensive research, cooperation with competent partners and extraordinary dedication to innovation have generated solutions that enable manufacturers to use a wide range of materials in their biodegradable filters. The company’s new approaches have created a variety of basic filter materials that offer high-quality alternatives to the traditional acetate. With further refinements, they can also be used for making specialist products, such as capsule, charcoal or hollow filters. The solutions are suitable for conventional filters with one to two components as well as for innovative filters with up to four components. Körber Technologies uses nonwoven fibres and paper as materials. “Manufacturers can use these basic materials to produce a wide range of visually and functionally different filters or filter components,” says Julian Kuschel, Development Engineer for Filter Process Development at Körber Technologies. “We always focus on ensuring that the new environmentally friendly filters meet our customers’ high standards in terms of quality and taste.”

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