We develop tailor-made flavor solutions for the paper filters that mask the off-tastes and enhances the smoking experience without compromising the product's sustainability.
It is no secret that filters are essential to cigarettes and other tobacco products. However, the conventional filter material, acetate tow, significantly contributes to environmental pollution as it is non-degradable. As a result, the tobacco industry now faces new regulations in many countries implementing restrictions on this plastic material. At the same time as the new practices can only benefit the environment, it also inflicts new challenges for manufacturers as they need to shift to biodegradable alternatives.
The most evident material to replace the usual cigarette filters is paper. But here's the catch: while it is a viable option, paper often results for the consumers in rather undesirable off-tastes, which impacts the smoking experience.
That is why our flavorists used their expertise to solve these flavor challenges: together with our customers, we develop tailor-made flavor solutions for the paper material that masks these off-tastes and enhances the smoking experience without compromising the product's sustainability. That way, both the environment and the final customers win.